a would be secret agent
11 July
...I was to lazy to type about my day, though it was pretty much full of events and emotions. Firstly, in the morning I had to do the dishes and it took so long time for me, not just 'cause I'm slow, but also because I was afraid to not clean them properly, to show everybody that I'm not used to doing house chores, so I've been doing twice as proper than I should've probably… Than we went for an excursus into trphies2go company (which is in top 20 of american trophy making companies) where we've met Jeff Anderson, the owner and the president of the company. He showed us the whole process of trophy making, from the very begining till the very end, and it was so fascinating!.. The mashinery is so charming, you could stand and stare at it's work for probably as long, as you can be watching fire and water! We've also went to his main office, which is in even farther than his warehouse is, in the ass of the city. (well, it's actually quite an expensive district, so I probably should say in the head of the city...)
After that we, with Jeff and Tom, went to a lunch at rotary intl., which is kind of a community, consisting of willing-to-help-society businessman, who are all over 40, most in their late 50-s, so it looked like we've got into a retirement house. They gave us some disgusting "restaurant" food, and then held a meeting. What shocked me is… remember the Avatar cartoon, where Aang got into fire country's school, they all stood up before the first lesson and said some kind of vow to the Fire master? well, that's pretty much the same as happened in that retirement house. Than there was a speaker, who had such a sporific tone of voice, and he was talking so monotonically, I thought I'll fell asleep straight away. But I stood, though, one of my groupmates lost to such lullaby, and was almost asleep all meeting long.
After the rottary, we went to our english class, which was pretty much normal, with one high-up -- we left the classroom halfway and continued the lesson on the grass under sunshine, and one low-down -- the teacher was coincidentally sitting right next to me and it was so repelling, ugh.
We went home without any interesting moments, had a pretty much of a usual dinner, than went to buy a chewing gum, nothing interesting.
I woke up today at 6 o'local and had time to wash my head, first time since I've came to america. So now I'm a bit wet yet and I have to hurry, 'cause otherwise I'll be late, and that's not how things are done in America.
Bye, bro, write you later)))



12 years ago

ахаха, кстати, у меня такая же проблема с посудой, я всегда боюсь, что не до конца промыла мыло… странно звучит, или вообще грязь не смыла…
вобщем, мы понимаем друг друга))

про lullaby я сразу вспоминаю университет и профессора по концепциям современного естествознания…
это было что-то все засыпали, никто не выживал :DD

аффигеть… так долго голову не мыла…
хотя в Америке, волосы не так быстро загрязняются?


12 years ago

ну, я же 5го мыла в последний раз, так что 11е - норм, в принципе, как для головы…

если о посуде - то я стала менее скрупулезной в ее мытье, ибо в противном случае получается уж слишком долго, и остальные точно также подумают, что я не умею мыть посуду, и т.д., так что я стараюсь мыть чисто и быстро… ^___^

12 years ago

ничего такого они не подумают)))
просто… решат что ты любишь чтобы всее было чистым))
но то научилась все делать быстро, это ооочень хорошо)
дома это понадобится)

12 years ago

до дома я уже все забуду)))) я сейчас как алиса в стране чудес - все такое новое и интересное, но когда попаду домой и жизнь станет прежней, я тоже стану almost прежней))) но я никогда не забуду эту страну чудес))))
(на самом деле, я точно не знаю, как там оно было с алисой и, если я что-то написала не по сценарию, знай, я убеждена, что автор именно так все имел в виду)

12 years ago

ааххах)) я не дам тебе вырваться из страны чудес)